Friday, February 8, 2013


Today was Cate's actual birthday and even though her party isn't until tomorrow, we knew we had to do something fun today.  Cate did not have school so we (+Hadley) spent the morning at the McDonald's playland.  Fun, right?!  Gross.  Of course they had a great time and it wore them out for afternoon naps.  Cate chose Texas Roadhouse for her birthday dinner and then wanted to go to Bass Pro Shops for a new fishing pole.  Dinner was great and she got to ride the saddle while everyone cheered her on...YEEEEHAWWWWW!
The boys were mortified that she insisted on dancing when the waitresses got up and line-danced.
"Moooommmm, make her stop, this is embarrassing!"

Saddle is here!
Birthday Treat

Testing out her new pole
She had a great birthday and the partying continues tomorrow!!!

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