Monday, June 10, 2013

Preschool Graduation

On May 8 (yes, I'm a bit behind), Cate graduated from preschool.  Woo to the Hoo!!  Although Cate has had the most amazing two years in the Early Childhood Center, she is ready to move on to bigger things.  Her class had a graduation program and she picked out a new dress and shoes for the occasion :)  Me, my Mom, Aunt Kathy, and Grammy were all in attendance (4 guests per student..otherwise the place would have been filled with Cate's biggest fans!)

The graduates wore caps and gowns for the diploma part of the ceremony...they all looked so cute!! 

And when they walked back in, everyone was in their uniform shirt except Cate.  But....she had it on when I dropped her off at school.  When I whispered "WTH??", she cupped her hand over her mouth and whispered back "In my locker".  What does this mean for her teenage years?!

Cate and Reid

Last year her picture said "I don't want to grow up".  This year she wants to be a zookeeper and drew a great giraffe.  We're making progress people!  (Notice that Reid wants to be a garbage man.  Candi is one proud Mama)

Mrs. Biewald is the BEST TEACHER EVER.  Brady loved her.  Cate loved her.  I loved her.  I have begged that she move on to kindergarten with us, but preschool is where her heart is.  BOO HOO!
Cate, Reid, Jack, and Tyler (who wants to be Batman when he grows up)

Cate and Ryan

Our graduate!!
 Look out Worthen School....another Smallie is heading your way!!!

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