Wednesday, June 12, 2013

more May happenings...

For me, the hardest part of my dads illness was having to come home from the hospital each day and still be a mom to my four kids.  Most days I just wanted to crawl into bed and forget about the real world, but there were still graduations to attend, school fun days, reading ceremonies, and baseball games to be played.  May was filled to the brim with plenty of craptastic days, but it was nice to have some pretty amazing days mixed in :)
Poor Man's Pool 

Cate's last day of school was a school-wide fun day. It was bitter sweet to say goodbye after four years, but I'm looking forward to having all four kids in full-day school :)

Derrick made some massive bubbles for Cate and Ryan!

I could tell it was killing her that Tyler chose to play with her at the water table, but she kept her mouth shut and shared all of the toys ;)

We are going to miss Miss Kathy! 

And we are really really going to miss Mrs. Christi and Mrs. Biewald.  Best pre-school teachers ever!!
Scott and Carter finished up their father/son, coach/player sophomore year.  It went really well.  I was worried his friends would give him grief over their playing time, etc, but Scott is a really great coach and his players respect him which made it stress-free for Carter.  And me!

My nephew Jon graduated high school!  Woohoo!!!  He was so over it and ready for the Navy!

We love Jonnie!!
Any time with Harper and Delaney is a fun time! (even a boring high school graduation!)

Harper and Cate were in charge of feeding the animal.

MauMau and Cate

Trev, Annie, and Jon

Jon and his Grandmas~~We love Honey and MauMau!

Brady had his 100 book reading program.  He had until March to finish his goal, but was done by October because he wanted to be first in his class.  Duh.  Anyway, during the ceremony, they called each kid to walk down the aisle by themselves.  Everyone walked fast, with their head down, and were embarrassed as hell....EXCEPT for Brady.  He took it slow, head up, and the worst strut you could imagine.  When Beth Sparks waved to him, HE GAVE HER A HEAD NOD.  I was mortified.  He is just a little too sure of himself!!!

"I love playing in this huge bucket of water"
"Woah.  Too much"
Brady's team won a tournament in St. Peters.  They went undefeated and all played GREAT!!

I didn't get any pictures from Bennett and Brady's Memphis and Southaven Mississippi tournaments because I stayed home, but they had two more great baseball weekends.  May weather was perfect for games.  It's 100* today and jackets and blankets at night games are just a memory! (but....pools open!)

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