Saturday, August 17, 2013

365 days....

One year.  Hard to believe, but we celebrated Trevor's first birthday on July 31.  Three hundred and sixty five days it took to mold this scrawny little chicken-legged baby into the goofiest, craziest, not-so-scrawny toddler! He's wild!  He's nuts!  He is F.U.N. And we all love us some T-Rev!
Been making silly faces since hour one....


 And then literally overnight, it looked as if a new Trevor ate the old Trevor!  He like tripled in size in December.  Must have been the Christmas cookies :)
Before and after.

 And now he is a rough and tough strong man who is on the go every single second he is awake.  He does not sit down and chill....ever.  I'm not exaggerating.  He's busy.  It's exhausting.  My kids are completely worn out when he leaves our house at the end of the day.  And have I mentioned that he is crazy?!  And he has the cutest tan lines in those little arm folds!  Trevor is the coolest kid ever!!

 We met Trevor and ALL of his family at Jacobsmeyers for dinner on the 31st.  There was a band and he danced the night away (and stole a swig of Carter's soda).

 We had his party the following weekend at Paddlers.  Thankfully the forecast was wrong and it turned out to be the perfect day!!
 They brought the highchair from my moms house and when they set the cake in front of him, he just started digging in like it was no big deal.  I can only assume that when at GiGi's house, he eats lots of sweets sitting in this chair and that big 'ole cake was just business as usual!

No smiles.  No curiosity.  Just lots of cake eating concentration.  He ate this cake like it was his job.

 After cake and gifts, it was pool time! Cate gave Uncle Kenny a work-out


 How lucky is Trevor to have these three awesome cousins?!

Happy Birthday Trevor!!  I can't wait to see what your second year has in store for us!!

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