Monday, June 14, 2010

His Big Debut, Dislocated Elbows, and Lightning Bugs

What a day! Bennett's park league baseball team was short players tonight, so Brady got "the call" and suited up to play. Even though he's only five, and it's a 4th grade league, Scott knew he would be able to keep up. And he did. Bigtime! He went 3 for 4 with three RBI's. Seriously, this kid is beast :)
This pretty much sums up how Bennett felt about his little brother playing on his team!

He smiled throughout the entire game..even up to bat :)

Right before game time, Cate and I were playing tug-o-war and I accidentally dislocated her right elbow. My first thought was "I don't have time to sit in an ER tonight!" Great parenting, I know. Anyhoo, Brady dislocated his elbow many-a-times when he was Cate's age, so I know the drill. She cried for a bit and then fell asleep while I was holding her so I laid her in her stroller and we headed to the baseball game. When she woke up crying, I picked her up and she tried to put her arm behind my back and I heard the bone pop back in. Hallelujah! I was about two minutes from taking her to the hospital, so I'm glad she worked it out on her own. By the third time Brady had dislocated his, one of the ER doctors showed me how to fix it myself. I wasn't brave enough to try it with Cate...cause she's a girl...and sweeter...and it makes me sad when she cries :( But, all is well now, and we celebrated by going swimming after the game!

"Car Car, my arm no hurt no more"

and then Carter and his friends ooh'd and ahh'd over her elbow and told her how tough she is. Oh yeah, these older boys have created a monster. As soon as we get to the pool each day, she's always scouting for Carters friends, Zaaack, and Ogan(Logan). She loves to sit and watch them during dive practice and screams her dive requests: "Backsault Zaaack!" "Flipflop Ogan" Ahhh, summer love. Too bad they're 13 and she's 2!!!

And there's no better way to end a summer day than chasing lightning bugs through the yard. Brady found two bubble gum tubs that he thought would work perfect for "keeping them safe"
Cate had her own version of what the buckets were for!

And just to prove that her elbow is feeling much better, I took these oh-so-charming pictures ...see the full range of motion she's getting...definitely cured :)

Goodbye Monday. Agenda for Tuesday? Grant's Farm!!

1 comment:

Adriane said...

Have fun today! I cannot believe Brady got to play on Bennetts team. That is awesome.

Those pics of Cate are so darn sweet- that girl is truly adorable, Deb.